Kategoria: In English

Fostering Autonomous Learning in Universities and Workplaces

Future-proofing ALL our students and graduates

Abstracts 4/2020
Call for papers: 1/2021, Current Issues

Empowering Northern Communities by Boosting Female Entrepreneurship

Abstracts 3/2020
Call for papers: UAS Journal 3/2020, Universities of applied sciences promoting social sustainability

Sustainability as a driver of impact creation

New research group wants to promote sustainability of future circular bioeconomy society

Artificial intelligence for ecological sustainability – New machine learning applications for sorting of plastic waste?

Water protection co-operation between a city and a university

Sustainable community – utopia of our time?

Promoting sustainability by using collaboration tools

Abstracts 2/2020

Creative Entrepreneurship in the Arctic

Blueprint for a training program on business opportunity recognition in SDGs

Abstracts 1/2020
Call for papers: UAS Journal 2/2020, Universities of applied sciences promoting ecological sustainability
Call for papers: UAS Journal 4/2020, Using data from work-related studies
Call for papers: UAS Journal 1/2020, Current topics

CampusOnline.fi – The National Portal for Online Studies in the Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – some results

Abstracts 2/2019

Abstracts No 1/2019

Assets based community participation and place making

No 4/2018 Abstracts
UAS Journal Workshop in the EAPRIL 2018 Conference
UAS Journal at the EAPRIL 2018 Conference

The Evolvement of an Online Learning Network of Experts

No 3/2018 Abstracts

Practitioner researchers’ current and future visions of education & learning

Insights of brain research in education – music practice and embodiment to enhance learning

Risk Competence Training Intervention with Airport Security Professionals

Excellence in Teaching and Learning and how it is manifested in three countries

How to facilitate development of soft skills in business studies? Description of a Portuguese and a Finnish pilot

Exploring the concept of a semi-permeable curriculum: Mixed audience masterclasses in teacher education

Methods and Tools to Improve Collaborative Lifelong Learning

ePortfolios as a way to empower students and bridge them to future work places

MOOCs in the continuing vocational training – what motivates employees in MOOCs?

Team-Based Learning: Engaging learners & creating team accountability

Enhancing the involvement of children with low socio-economic background at preschool

Changing paradigms: moving higher education into the 21st century

Development of project management and multiple work life skills through real life projects – case Arctic Youth Forum

No 2/2018 Abstracts

Waste Management Collaboration between Brazilian and Finnish Students in the SCALA project

No 1/2018 Abstracts

Chat – the Future Platform of Finnish Education Exports?

Opportunities in Cleantech Education Export to Kazakhstan

No 4/2017 Abstracts