University of Applied sciences Velika Gorica is higher education institution which provides five undergraduate professional and three postgraduate specialist study programmes with curricula realized using advanced technologies, that are being constantly improved, renewed and allowing the students easier knowledge transfer so that when they enter the labour market they will have better opportunities of employment and getting ahead in their careers, i.e. existence in one of today’s modern organizations. The study programmes of the University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica last for three years (six semesters) and they are harmonized with the Bologna Declaration and performed in compliance with the Act on Scientific Research and Higher Education. The curricula and programmes are harmonized with ECTS – the European Credit Transfer System, thus enabling the transfer of students from other professional or university study programmes to VVG and vice versa, all in compliance with the Act and Statute of the University of Applied Sciences. The curriculum and the structure of the programmes of the professional three-year study have been designed having in mind sustainability, competitiveness and further development, using the principles of optionality and substantial share of practical classes. Those programmes are:
- Computer systems maintenance
- Crisis management
- Aircraft maintenance
- Eye optics
- Motor vehicle maintenance.
Also there are three specialist programmes:
- Information systems
- Crisis management
- Logistic.
The objectives of our visit were learning of institutional quality assurance system in higher education in Finland and its development at different HEIs and in different countries. Besides learning of good practice at a Finnish HEIs it was good time for exchanging experiences with HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Aalto University and its role in the system of Finnish higher education.
Main goals for the visit were:
- How to improve internal audits of quality assurance system
- How to achieve continues improvement of quality culture at a higher education institutions
- How to simplifies procedures of internal audits
- How to write good reports
- Integration of ISO and ESG.
- Revision of Quality policy, Strategy and etc.
The results of our visit were better understanding of all procedures and criteria implement by FINHEEC, better audit procedure of higher education institutions, easier implementation of quality policies and strategic goals in own institution, easier motivation of all stockholders at University of Applied Science Velika Gorica, improvement and motivation method for mobility, definition the influence of higher education institution on regional development and transfer of knowledge and relations with all stockholders.
In FINHEEC we present quality assurance system in higher education in Croatia and we particularly discuss the method of enhancement led evaluations, impact of external audits on the development of higher education institutions quality assurance systems. Also we try to find answers on some questions like: How to improve external audits of quality assurance system and how to develop the methods and write good reports?
At Laurea University of Applied Sciences we meat Mrs. Jaana Ignatius and we talked about the quality culture and good practices of quality procedures in Laurea. Also we shared experiences about developing of the shared quality management of federation of Universities of Applied Sciences- HAMK, Lahti and Laurea Universities of Applied Sciences.

At the Aalto University we met Mr. Sakari Heikkilä, Mrs. Tuija Nikko (quality director) from School of Business and Prof. Olli Saarela from School of Engineering. It was open discussion about quality issues like strategy plans and systematic improvements true PDCA (plan, do, check, act) cycle.

At HAMK University of Applied Sciences we met Mrs. Mervi Friman and from HAMK student union Mr. Riku Kemppinen and Mrs. Tanja-Maria Hyppänen. The subject was quality culture and good practices of quality assurance procedures in HAMK. In the afternoon we attend professional teacher education lead by prof. Vesa Parkkonen.

We like to thank all our hosts for very nice organisation and hospitality.
Sanja Kalambura, PhD., prof. Vice dean for quality, University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica,
Nives Jovičić,, quality department, University of Applied Science Velika Gorica