Digitalization challenges Universities of Applied Sciences in multiple ways
Anu Pruikkonen, Head of Services, M.Ed., Lapland University of Applied Sciences
Universities of Applied Sciences form an interesting context to examine digitalization phenomena because those should be able to utilize the possibibilities of digitalizaion development in multiple ways and arena. Digitalization should be applied to teaching and learning, sector-wise R&D&I development as well as UASorganisation’s own working and management practices. As w whole, digitalization is more about changing the working practices and culture than technology. The strenght of UAS could be cross-sectoral collaboration and working practices which would also support the understanding of digitalization phenomena and further creation of innovations. Digitalization is multi-faceted phenomena and it would be wise to recruit the whole UAS-community to work for taking full advantage of it.
Designing and Prototyping Digital B2B Sales Tools with Students
Lili Aunimo, Principal Lecturer, PhD, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Ari Alamäki, Principal Lecturer, PhD, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
This paper describes two case examples of how the development goals of a research and development (R&D) project and the needs of partner companies can be integrated into teaching. The ultimate goal is to develop pedagogical approaches where students solve real problems given by companies. The two case projects presented describe the development of new B2B sales tool prototypes in the software development and innovation project courses of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (UAS). Close cooperation with the companies during the projects ensure that the results are useful and realistic, and that students learn software design and development as well as user-centered design competencies in an authentic environment.
Education Technology Transfer to Developing Countries
Sanna Juvonen, Senior Lecturer, RDI, M.Sc. (Education), Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Päivi Marjanen, Principal Lecturer, RDI, Ph.D. (Education), Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Francis Adaikalam, Assistant Professor, M.Phil. Social Medicine and Community Health, Loyola College Chennai, India
This paper consists of a reflection on digital business possibilities in developing countries, especially with regard to digital business linked to education technology transfer. The focus is on the possibilities and challenges related to business, but there is also some critical reflection on the transfer of education technology to developing countries. The aim is to provide an understanding from both partners’ perspectives, because this kind of cooperation includes plenty of dilemmas, which often disappear behind business scenarios when talking about new digital market areas, as well as privacy issues.
Review: The World’s Biggest Education Technology Event
Jaana Kullaslahti, Principal Lecturer (Research), PhD, Solution-Focused Coach, Häme University of Applied Sciences
Irma Mänty, Development Manager, M.Ed., Laurea University of Applied Sciences
This review is describing what the BETT Show 2016 was offering in it´s exhibitions and sessions. BETT is a place where the latest education technology is demonstrated in exhibitions and research findings and learning experiments are presented in sessions. The hundreds of Finnish teachers and developers of education are visiting BETT every year. Common themes this year where e.g. cloud services, Bring your own device (BYOD) policy and coding.
Simulations Are Challenging Learning Skills
Marianne Teräs, Senior Lecturer, PhD, Associate Professor, Stockholm University
Sari Kiias, Bachelor of Education, University of Helsinki
Jorma Jokela, Principal Lecturer, PhD, Associate Professor, Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Simulations are learning situations which imitate various work situations. This article explores how do simulations differ from other studying methods and what kinds of studying practices are needed in simulations. We approach this with authentic activities and simulation process. Simulations differ from other methods by emphasizing practice-based orientation and doings. Simulations require that students, among other things, accept unnatural situation and suspend their disbelief, outline whole situation, take different roles and accept complex and fuzzy tasks with diverse solutions. Studying in simulations also demands that students collect new information, cross boundaries, work in groups and reflect their learning. These studying practices and skills are important to make visible and practice before participating in simulations.
Digitalization Provides a Sound Basis for Study Paths
Kati Komulainen, Director, Dr.Sc. (Nutr.), Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Tuija Eloranta, Teacher of Social Services and Health Care, Vocational Special Teacher, Porvoo Vocational College, Amisto
Digitalization will change Education in Finland. At the same time, we have to speed up and streamline study paths from vocational education to higher education. In this article we introduce one digital study path pilot in co-operation with Porvoo Vocational College, Amisto. Furthermore, in this article we discuss what benefits Study paths might produce for all participants including students and the personnel of the vocational college and higher education.
Whirls of Digital learning environment
Titta Pohjanmäki, Principal Lecturer, Lic.Ed., Humak University of Applied Sciences
Päivi Timonen, Senior Lecturer, Digital Pedagogist, Community Educator, Master’s degree, Humak University of Applied Sciences
The coaching pedagogical thinking of Humak University of Applied Sciences is based on the integrative model of pedagogy (Tynjälä 2010). Along with coaching pedagogical thinking also the roles of the lecturer and the student have changed. According to possibilities, the studies will be integrated from the beginning of the project studies into the project activities of the institution and its stakeholders, as well as into other workplace cooperation. Digitalization challenges teachers’ expertise and requires a new kind of expertise, as opposed to traditional teaching happening in the same place at the same time. The diversity of digital learning environments will pose new challenges and put the coach’s expertise to a test. In her article Titta Pohjanmäki examines what is required from the digi-coach.
University of Applied Sciences Humak’s goal is to open Digital Campus 2018. The aim is that digital coaching pedagogy can be supported by digital learning technologies. To obtain this goal Päivi Timonen writes in the article about four different dimensions of digital learning environments. Learning in the different or the same digital learning environment and learning online or offline so different time or at the same time. These four e-learning dimensions are:
- Different digital learning environment – and learning at the same time
- Different digital learning environment – learning at different time
- Same digital learning environment – learning at the same time
- Same digital learning environment – learning at different time.
Multidisciplinary Co-teaching Provides a Good Basis for Online Degrees
Eeva Haikonen, Senior Lecturer, M.A., Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Kaisa Puttonen, Information Specialist, M.A., M.Soc.Sc., Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Students might find it difficult to commit to online studies. To meet these challenges, Laurea University of Applied Sciences has implemented a multidisciplinary approach with activities to online guidance. The described course, ’Information management and communication’ is the first one the distance learning students attend as they complete their Bachelor’s degree online. The overall aim is to ensure that students achieve basic computer, information literacy and communication skills for further studies. However, just as important is to build confidence to studying online and enhance online socialization. The presented course’s framework is based on Gilly Salmon’s five stage model for online learning. According to feedback, the image of studying alone changes to learning and interacting as a group. The interactive online lessons are experienced as a meaningful way to study. The positive attitude reflects also to motivation.
The lecturers experience guiding together and collaborating as a way to develop know-how in online pedagogy and gain professional growth through shared expertise.
Student-oriented Planning of Online Courses in Higher Education Institutions
Tuija Marstio, Senior Lecturer, M.Sc. (Econ.), Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Eija Lipasti, Senior Lecturer, M.Sc. (Econ.), Laurea University of Applied Sciences
In this article online learning is examined from the perspective of student experience. A student often chooses an online course because of the flexibility it offers. On the other hand, students encounter challenges in online courses deriving from their weak motivation and engagement in online learning. A study carried out in Laurea in spring 2015 regarding students’ opinions and experiences of online courses shows similar results to international research. The writers of the article present a holistic model for planning an online course, taking into consideration creation of the overview of issues to be learnt, engaging students, interaction and learning activities.
Care Services Companies Are Taking a Digital Leap
Hannele Niiniö, Project Manager, Nursing Teacher, M.Ed., Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Soili Vento, Senior Lecturer, M.Pol.Sc., M.Sc. (Econ.), Laurea University of Applied Sciences
The main goal of Digital in Care Services Project (DCS), funded by ESF, is to promote SME’s to digitalize their services both in client data systems and in safety and rehabilitation. Case
Enterprises and Mentor enterprises are part of open network. Also other actors, like digital and eHealth enterprises have been invited to DCS -network. Networking increases possibilities of innovation by trust and commitment to co-operation which promote co-creation and strengthens new knowledge to move to actions (Järvensivu & Kallio & Pyykkönen 2014, 6).
In DCS Project there will be used two methods developed in previous projects of Laurea UAS (HoivaRekry and Active for Life Fi). When digitalizing services there will be used sc. Profile tool to
Allocate human resources in service processes. Active role of employees when digitalizing services strengthens commitment and readiness to develop their own work. Occupational Health model of Encounter Art developed in Active for Life Fi Project will be applied as creative and experience based way of working in network meetings and training sessions.
Does Virtual Thesis Supervision Facilitate the Thesis Process?
Johanna Heinonen, Senior Lecturer, M.Sc. (Econ.), M.A., Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Virtuality has become an essential part of modern day teaching. However, thesis supervision has been considered to be an intimate dialogue between the teacher and the student. The virtual summer thesis supervision in Laurea has moved the intimate dialogue online and shared supervision with several teachers, something that could be considered even radical. This article discusses the possibilities of virtual thesis supervision and the issues that affect its success, i.e. planning, guidance, engagement and shared supervision. Virtual summer thesis in Laurea has clearly contributed the thesis process as whole by giving a new flexible way and also by revealing places for further development.
Virtual Learning Environments and Digitalisation of Teaching
Mari Virtanen, D-Specialist, MHS, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Rapid technological development and the digitalization has challenged also universities to develop new and innovative learning environments and teaching methods. Learning environments which enables studying and learning in all times and in all places has allowed flexible learning opportunities and a stronger individual support. Virtual learning environments, developed in Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, supports the students in health and nursing degrees as biomedical laboratory science, radiography, oral healthcare and midwifery. Virtual learning environments are based on authentic 360-panorama image from the selected destination where students can study and learn in their own pace.
All required study material is attached to learning environment in text, image or video format. Through virtual learning environment students can follow video lectures or demonstrations, write together, do tasks, assessments and examinations and read electronic books. Development of environments has started in 2013. During this period systematic research has performed from usability, satisfaction and learning effectiveness perspectives with good results.
The Developers of Digital Health and Welfare Services
Outi Ahonen, MNSc, Senior Lecturer, Laurea University of Applied Science
Gun-Britt Lejonqvist, LHSc, Principla lecturer, Arcada University of Applied Sciences
Baiba Apkalna Mg.sc.hum. Project expert, Red Cross Medical College of Riga Stradins University
Kersti Viitkar MNSc, Coordinator of Nursing and Midwifery Curricula, Tartu Health Care College
The project “The Developer of Digital Health and Welfare Services” is a multi-cultural and multi-professional project that aims to create a new 30 ECTS curriculum giving future professionals in IT, economics, social- and health care current competencies to match the needs of developing improved eHealth and welfare services for citizens. The project is funded by Central Baltic. The partners are from Estonia, Latvia and Finland.