Editorial: UAS Journal – starting the 10th year of open and responsible publishing activities in higher education
Ilkka Väänänen, Editor-in-chief, UAS Journal, ilkka.vaananen(at)test.test.test.test.test.test.test.uasjournal.fi
On the very same day of releasing this issue, the 16th of March, the journal of the Finnish universities of applied sciences, UAS Journal, released its first issue in 2011. We are now therefore starting the celebrations of the journal’s 10th anniversary year. The theme for the year will be sustainable development, which is also one of the focus areas for this year chosen by Arene, the Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences.
Universities of applied sciences play a key role in Finland’s innovation and learning ecosystems, in which we produce new practical knowledge and expertise for the benefit of the whole of society in cooperation with businesses, government and the third sector. Communications constitutes an important channel for ensuring effectiveness and usability. These communications include multi-channelled and broad-based activities, high-quality publications, and various expert and developer networks. The UAS Journal promotes all these elements, inspiring different university actors to put their open, multidisciplinary RDI activities and expertise on display and building networks both nationally and internationally. The purpose of the journal is to support the dialogue between universities of applied sciences and wider society and to affect a high-impact ‘hat trick’ through cooperation, dialogue, the articles published, and the involvement of expert individuals. The journal also functions as a communal development forum for universities of applied sciences and helps develop our project culture and strengthen our research orientation.
The UAS Journal wants to maintain and develop the professional expertise of the learning ecosystem. Each year the journal publishes around 60 articles, with contributions from nearly a hundred authors. Some articles are viewed thousands of times.
This first issue for the anniversary year is the 38th produced. The UAS Journal was preceded in the 2000s by the Kever and Osaaja journals. In 2011, it became an OA publication which used the Open Journal System platform. The first editors-in-chief were Mervi Friman and Riitta Rissanen. The journal serves as an accessible online publication that operates in line with the principles of transparent and open scientific research. The editorial policy of our journal, which is published four times a year, has remained unchanged. It has expanded to involve international cooperation on special themed issues together with the European association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, EAPRIL. In addition, we have developed the visual components of the journal and changed the layout to make it clearer and more readable. The goal is to publish articles that are concise and to the point, and to publish more of them. We want to respond to topical issues, and we are always pleased to receive feedback on the journal as well as suggestions for themes and for further development. The success of the UAS Journal depends on us all. We are producing high-quality communications for universities of applied sciences in cooperation with all interested stakeholders. We will soon be taking into use persistent identifiers, URN, for the articles published, and we will be adding practical perspectives into the texts. There are also plans to carry out a reader survey and then use the results to further develop the journal’s user-orientation and production process.
The popularity of the ‘current topics’ themed edition now before you was truly huge. We received a record number of article proposals – 60 in all. The themes for last year’s issues were competence-based learning in universities of applied sciences, digitalisation and the new role of data management, artificial intelligence, and creative sectors and innovation activities. For this issue, we openly invited people to send whatever kinds of articles on topical issues, on the diverse activities and roles of universities of applied sciences in business cooperation, and on RDI activities. We were not able, unfortunately, to publish in this issue all of the articles received. Among other topics, these 22 published articles examine the ways in which universities of applied sciences develop cooperative activities and services that promote both cooperation with businesses and industry and also permanent service structures and cooperation structures created to support communities and teaching.
This 10th anniversary issue presents in a diverse way topical issues relating to the different activities of universities of applied sciences, such as the development of pedagogy and guidance, cooperation with employers, development of services, and the opportunities for RDI activities and work-based learning. Many thanks to all the contributing authors and to the theme issue editor Johanna Wartio from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences for producing the content for this issue! You have not only written the articles but have also provided a large and diverse display of the strong expertise of Finnish universities of applied sciences and their important role in applied research and practical RDI activities. Together we build responsibly for the future!
I hope you all enjoy and get inspired by the articles in this issue and throughout the UAS Journal’s 10th anniversary year!
Ilkka Väänänen
Research and development is an opportunity to the continuous learner
Anu Sipilä, MBA, Vocational Teacher, Coordinator in learning collaboration & Master Study Guidance, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, anu.sipila(at)haaga-helia.fi
Marianne Wegmüller, M.Sc. (Econ.), RDI communications, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, marianne.wegmuller(at)haaga-helia.fi
Lifelong learning is a concept largely present in discussions in our society. New practices for continuous learning are developed to benefit both the employee and the employer.
Research and development activities at universities of applied sciences aim at impactful solutions in cooperation with partners, both locally and globally. R&D projects offer the involved employees a chance to step into a new framework for a set time and bring back the actual outcome, but also new perspectives, contacts, thoughts and opportunities of various kinds.
Project work offers the lifelong learner, the employee, a diverse and challenging platform for learning and development. Knowledge is updated, expertise is taken further, enthusiasm and engagement are created and the employee is taken outside the comfort zone. Project work is lean and agile, which is the core of lifelong learning.
R&D projects make a structured platform for plunging into the unknown and learning continuously – thus taking change a bit further. Universities of applied sciences have a long history applying R&D to the benefit in the world of work, each with their own core competencies in focus. We are also experts of pedagogy and learning. We still need to develop ways to match the fast rhythm of business life.
Key words: change, continuos learning, flexibility, RDI activities
Hopes to disseminate results from RDI projects in a more effective way
Kaisa Jaalama, M.Sc. (Admin.), Doctoral Student, Aalto University, kaisa.jaalama(at)aalto.fi
Juhani Talvela, Lic. Tech., IPR Expert, Aalto University, juhani.talvela(at)aalto.fi
Hannu Hyyppä, Dr.Sc. (Tech.), Professor, Adjunct Professor, Aalto University, hannu.hyyppa(at)aalto.fi
Marika Ahlavuo, Master of Culture and Arts (Cultural Producer), Science Producer, Project Manager, Aalto University, marika.ahlavuo(at)aalto.fi
Hanna Lahtinen, PhD, Director, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, hanna.lahtinen(at)laurea.fi
Anne Kärki, PhD (Physiotherapy), Principal Lecturer, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, anne.karki(at)samk.fi
Seliina Päällysaho, PhD, M.Sc. (Econ.), Research Manager, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, seliina.paallysaho(at)seamk.fi
Open RDI activities, such as practices of and attitudes towards openness in RDI, were explored in the Open RDI, learning, and the innovation ecosystem of Finnish UAS project in 2018. The web survey was addressed to the RDI staff, teachers and other experts working at a Finnish university of applied sciences (UAS). Based on the results, UAS experts have a positive attitude towards openness in RDI activities. Additional support is needed in some areas of open RDI, such as data management and research infrastructures. The motivation to publish and share RDI results is high, however, improving the availability of RDI results and conditions for publishing should be further enhanced.
Key words: competences, expertise, open RDI, universities of applied sciences, web questionnaire
Open RDI in the universities of applied sciences – views from staff members
Juhani Talvela, Lic. Tech., IPR Expert, Aalto University, juhani.talvela(at)aalto.fi
Kaisa Jaalama, M.Sc. (Admin.), Doctoral Student, Aalto University, kaisa.jaalama(at)aalto.fi
Hannu Hyyppä, Dr.Sc. (Tech.), Professor, Adjunct Professor, Aalto University, hannu.hyyppa(at)aalto.fi
Marika Ahlavuo, Master of Culture and Arts (Cultural Producer), Science Producer, Project Manager, Aalto University, marika.ahlavuo(at)aalto.fi
Seliina Päällysaho, PhD, M.Sc. (Econ.), Research Manager, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, seliina.paallysaho(at)seamk.fi
Hanna Lahtinen, PhD, Director, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, hanna.lahtinen(at)laurea.fi
Anne Kärki, PhD (Physiotherapy), Principal Lecturer, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, anne.karki(at)samk.fi
Views and considerations towards Open RDI are collected and analyzed among the staff members in the Finnish universities of applied sciences by four open-ended questions. Roles of teaching and RDI work and the integration of students into RDI projects gain the most responses. Best practices as well as greatest challenges were reported by the respondents. A number of organizational and management related problems are yet to be solved. A need for trust was emphasized indicating a possible misconception in the requirements of open RDI.
Key words: ammattikorkeakoulu, avoin tutkimus, TKI, näkemykset, asiantuntijat, verkkokysely
Acquiring skills through the RDI Expert Coaching Programme
Mari Salminen-Tuomaala, D.H.S., Principal Lecturer, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Health and Social Sector
Juha Hautanen, M.Sc. (Tech.), Head Of Department, Teacher Education College, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences
Sirkka Saranki-Rantakokko, HTT, Principal Lecturer, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, RDI Services, Pohjoinen hyvinvointi ja palvelut
Effective project management and project work skills are important requirements in higher education and various work place settings. This article is based on one example of the recent efforts to strengthen the research and development profile of the Universities of Applied Sciences: the national Research and Development (R&D) Expert Coaching Programme, launched in 2014 by a pilot funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The programme aimed at improved effectiveness by increasing networking with actors in innovative environments and by developing more practical and user-oriented operational models. Further aims were to improve participants’ competence in the following areas: project planning and implementation; research, development and innovation; management and leadership; commercialisation of research results; targeting customers, and integration of the results into teaching. By means of simulation-based learning it’s possible to learn a lot about project management and it’s challenges.
Key words: coaching, development, innovation, multidisciplinarity, research, simulation
RDI creates a Master
Anu Sipilä, MBA, Vocational Teacher, Coordinator in learning collaboration & Master Study Guidance, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, anu.sipila(at)haaga-helia.fi
Jarmo Ritalahti, Lic.Phil., Principal Lecturer, Head of Master Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, jarmo.ritalahti(at)haaga-helia.fi
To integrate Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) activities to education activities in Finnish universities of applied sciences is a topical theme. The integration was one of the focuses when Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences started to develop its Master Degree Programmes. The process that is now in its piloting phase includes a continuous collaboration with university’s core competence groups’ project managers and other actors. Project actors bring in themes and topics that are presented to master curriculum’s specialization teachers to include them to various courses serving similar aims than the projects.
Key words: development, master curriculum, RDI
Is the future already here – the robotics of many possibilities challenges the R&D activities in the universities of applied sciences
Tapio Mäkelä, Lic. Admin., Specialist, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, School of Health and Social Studies, tapio.makela(at)jamk.fi
Automation and robotisation have already impacted and will continue to impact business organizations and citizens personal life. The implementation of robotics affects personnel motivation, skills needs and working methods. These impacts can be either positive or negative, depending on how business development efforts and the implementation process are handled. Challenges are unavoidable if a company’s change projects are carried out in a technology-driven manner, without acknowledging people’s human needs, such as the need for a feeling of security, stability and opportunities to exert influence. These problems, a lack of information and knowledge capital, and a lack of experience in the implementation, utilisation and impacts of robotics have slowed down process automation in business organizations.
Key words: challenges for development, development in the world of work, robotics
Xamk in support of the authorities in preparing against oil damage
Justiina Halonen, Research Manager, Master Mariner (B.Sc.), justiina.halonen(at)xamk.fi
Ministry of the Interior’s national risk assessment recognizes the risk of a marine oil spill incident as one threat scenario and disruption, the likelihood of which is rising. The risk results from the increasing vessel traffic and is affected by the increasingly frequent extreme weather events and unforeseen vulnerabilities the rapid development of ship technology poses. In parallel with preventive safety measures, capability to deal with the consequences of marine incidents is needed. According to environmental authorities, an oil spill in the Gulf of Finland could rise up to 30 000 tonnes. An oil spill of that volume could generate 200 000–500 000 tonnes of oiled wastes as the oil contaminates water, soil and vegetation. Responding to such an incident might take several years. The need for practical response guidelines initiated a joint development process with the response authorities and UAS. As a result, an oil spill response model was created. Today, the model is an integral part of national oil spill preparedness, and collaboration continues to further improve the response capability.
Key words: oil spill response, environmental damage, emergency preparedness, seafaring, maritime safety
Xamk Ambulance simulator connects studies and RDI
Antti Jakonen, ensihoitaja YAMK, väitöskirjatutkija, projektipäällikkö, Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu, Helsingin yliopisto, antti.jakonen(at)xamk.fi
Jarno Hämäläinen, sosiaali- ja terveysalan YAMK, ensihoidon lehtori, Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu, jarno.hamalainen(at)xamk.fi
Hilla Sumanen, dosentti, FT, ensihoidon yliopettaja, Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu, Helsingin yliopisto, hilla.sumanen(at)xamk.fi
The ambulance simulator, located at the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) Kotka campus, is a unique learning environment for emergency care. On top of that, it offers a great platform for researching, developing and training safety-critical emergency response driving (ERD). Xamk’s ambulance simulator combines research, development, innovation (RDI) and teaching of emergency care. Research and development done in Towards Safer Emergency Response Driving I & II –RDI-projects have shown that there are crew-related risks in ERD and a need for development to make ERD safer. Through pilot projects done in Towards Safer Emergency Response Driving I –RDI-project, educational course for safer ERD was developed. Xamk’s ambulance simulator is utilized efficiently during the course. The overall aim of the Xamk ambulance simulator is to help develop ERD safer.
Keywords: ambulance, emergency vehicle, health education, prehospital care, risk factor, safety, social education, training
Higher education institutions and the Act on data management in public administration
Kari Kataja, M.Sc. (Eng.), M.A., M.Sc. (Econ.), M.Ed., Information Systems Manager, Data Protection Officer, Chair of the network of DPOs in universities, Häme University of Applied Sciences, kari.kataja(at)hamk.fi
Jaakko Riihimaa, PhD, IT General Secretary, AAPA (Human network of CIOs in Universities of Applied Sciences), jaakko.riihimaa(at)haaga-helia.fi
Walter Rydman, M.A., Coordinator, CSC – IT Center for Science, walter.rydman(at)csc.fi
Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences have had to react vigorously as several laws that have significant impact on data management have recently come into force. The latest law was the act on data management in public administration at the beginning of 2020.
The law has strong incentives for the cooperation between authorities. Required changes can be difficult, so it is helpful to think possible benefits higher education institutions can gain from the new law. At the end of 2019 AAPA (The Network of CIO’s in Finnish UAS’s), FUCIO (CIO-network in universities) and CSC – IT Center for Science explored collaboration ideas together. Based on these results, we will continue to work together in late spring 2020.
Key words: Act on data management, data management, data protection
Experiences on the internationalisation of Finnish online marketing businesses
Marko Mäki, Lic. Econ., Principal Lecturer, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, marko.maki(at)haaga-helia.fi
Tuija Toivola, D.Sc. (Econ.), R&D Manager, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, tuija.toivola(at)haaga-helia.fi
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the expansion of the eCommerce (eCom) operations of small and medium sized companies (SMEs) in Finland to global markets. In addition, one important goal was to acquire knowledge and support participants’ learning of fast growing online and digital business models. The conclusions of this study underlined the importance of effective digital marketing activities including knowledge on online customer journey and capability building for global eCom operations. Additionally, small eCom companies strongly highlighted the importance of learning from each other’s experiences and peer to peer support.
Key words: eCommerce, digital business models, international business, SMEs
Creative Entrepreneurship in the Arctic
(the original article in English)
Anzelika Krastina, MEd., Senior Lecturer, International coordinator, School of Northern Well-being and Services, Lapland University of Applied Sciences
Key words: Arctic region, creative entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education
Blueprint for a training program on business opportunity recognition in SDGs
(the original article in English)
Minna-Maari Harmaala, D.Sc.(Econ.), Principal Lecturer, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland; minna-maari.harmaala(at)haaga-helia.fi
Hanna Harilainen, D.Sc.(Econ.), Head of Degree Programme, Principal Lecturer, International Business, Master’s Degree Programme in Supply Chain Management (Sourcing), Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland; hanna.harilainen(at)metropolia.fi
Key words: competence-based learning objectives, opportunity recognition, SDGs, sustainable business models
More sustainability and responsibility into universities of applied sciences
Kari Laasasenaho, PhD, RDI Specialist, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, kari.laasasenaho(at)seamk.fi
Nina Kokkonen, MM, Lecturer, Häme University of Applied Sciences, nina.kokkonen(at)hamk.fi
Sanna Tyni, PhD, Specialist, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, sanna.tyni(at)lapinamk.fi
Petri Lempinen, PhD, Executive Director, The Rectors’ Conference of the Universities of Applied Sciences (Arene ry), petri.lempinen(at)arene.fi
Sustainable development has long been a part of Finnish university of applied sciences, but environmental issues such as climate change have increased the need to support sustainable practices in teaching, supervising and on campus more than before. Higher education institutions are responsible for promoting sustainable development in their own activities and support sustainable thinking of students.
Circular Economy Competence to Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) project (funded by Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture) and The Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Arene have start to discuss about the need to promote sustainable development and circular economy at UAS’s. One of the aim is to update the sustainable development programs of UAS’s. Arene is going to establish a Sustainability and Responsibility group and sustainable development is raised as one of the important theme in the Arene’s 2020 Action Plan. The project and Arene are actively encouraging each UAS to implement concrete actions for sustainable development.
Key words: circular economy, education, research and innovation activities, sustainable development, university of applied sciences
Students from SAMK solving challenges in energy efficiency
Teija Järvenpää, B.Sc. (Eng.), Project Researcher, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, teija.jarvenpaa(at)samk.fi
Minna M. Keinänen-Toivola, PhD, Research Manager, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, minna.keinanen-toivola(at)samk.fi
The environmental regulations related to climate change are increasing as well as the requirements for energy efficiency in ports and shipyards. The three-year (2018–2020) SataMari project, funded by ERDF, is searching for practical solutions to improve the energy efficiency of the maritime cluster in Satakunta region. Several students from Satakunta University of Applied Sciences have been involved in the SataMari project. The project team acts as a link between students, teachers and companies. Experiences have been good: students like the work-based learning, companies value impartial assessments and the work done for their development areas. The project gains additional value while students can provide deeper reviews on single subjects which the project team would not have resources to do. The important result of the SataMari project is a decision-making tool that serves as a data bank to improve energy efficiency and increase renewable energy use in the maritime cluster.
Key words: energy efficiency, energy and environmental engineering, maritime cluster, project, thesis
Up with cooperation and collaboration
Mikko Matveinen, Project Manager, M.A. (Arts), Karelia University of Applied Sciences, mikko.matveinen(at)karelia.fi
Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Karelia UAS) has been focusing to development of the wood construction sector as strategic choice since 2014. The development work has been done systematically part of the different research and development projects (RDI) under the degree programme of construction engineering.
Already six years later there are concrete results visible including Finland’s tallest wooden apartment building Joensuu Lighthouse. Among other development activities Karelia UAS has been doing research part of the construction process which aims to produce information about building process, building physic and behaviour of structures to be used in other similar buildings. Therefore, Lighthouse also works as a platform for development of the wood construction sector.
Universities has also a key role when tackling the local and global challenges. Taking these drivers in to account when planning the future activities requires strategic choices. Climate change will be one of the key drivers which is affecting to the construction sector in the near future. Therefore, the need for environmentally friendly materials in construction is evident. Article tells about the strategic foresight, commitment and stakeholder cooperation part of the RDI-operations.
Core competences in the education of an Advanced Practitioner (Master)
Virpi Sulosaari, D.H.S., Principal Lecturer, Turku University of Applied Sciences, virpi.sulosaari(at)turkuamk.fi
Minna Elomaa-Krapu, D.H.S., Director, Innovations, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, minna.elomaa-krapu(at)metropolia.fi
Hanna Hopia, D.H.S., Principal Lecturer, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, hanna.hopia(at)jamk.fi
Kirsi Koivunen, D.H.S., Principal Lecturer, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, kirsi.koivunen(at)oamk.fi
Rauni Leinonen, PhD (Ed.), M.H.S., Principal Lecturer, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, rauni.leinonen(at)kamk.fi
Eeva Liikanen, D.H.S., Principal Lecturer, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, eeva.liikanen(at)tuni.fi
Ulla Penttinen, Lic.Phil., Principal Lecturer, Novia University of Applied Sciences, Vaasa, ulla.penttinen(at)novia.fi
Outi Törmänen, D.H.S., Principal Lecturer, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, outi.tormanen(at)lapinamk.fi
Leena Walta, Principal Lecturer, Turku University of Applied Sciences, leena.walta(at)turkuamk.fi
Johanna Heikkilä, D.H.S., Specialist, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, johanna.heikkila(at)jamk.fi
The changes in Finnish health care have led to the development of advanced roles for healthcare professionals. An Advanced Practitioner is a professional who has acquired an expert knowledge base, complex decision-making skills and clinical competencies for extended practice which is shaped by the context and/or country in which s/he is practicing (ICN APN/NP network, n.d.). Core competencies and master’s level education must underpin the preparation to the advanced roles. This competence framework is intended to guide the development of advanced practice education in Finland. Thirteen universities of applied sciences have participated in the process of identifying the core competences we all can share. The framework provides a tool in planning AP education and supports collaboration between the universities of applied sciences. The core competencies are: 1) research and service development, 2) patient education and staff development 2) professional leadership, and 4) clinical expertise and direct clinical care.
Key words: advanced practice, advanced practitioner, clinical expertise, master in health care education
Sparking innovation in an international bioeconomy community
Anna Aalto, Project Manager, M.Sc. (Econ.), Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, anna.aalto(at)jamk.fi
Diana Pitkänen, Specialist, B.A. (Industrial and Product Design), Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, diana.pitkanen(at)jamk.fi
Biobord is an open virtual innovation hub for connecting bioeconomy developers that offers tools for managing the project lifecycle, network building and management, interactive online capacity building, matchmaking and connecting with innovation support services. Biobord is developed by JAMK University of Applied Sciences in a partnership of four regions across Baltic Sea, Central Finland, Inland (Norway), Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship (Poland) and Vidzeme (Latvia).
Biobord is developed in an iterative service design process that has reached the piloting phase. During the piloting phase, we are testing Biobord with different user groups and service cases. With regional and international pilot cases, the partnership is developing and scaling up the platform and its operational model with the feedback and experiences of users. The development and piloting is supported by the ‘Rural RDI Milieus in transition towards smart bioeconomy clusters and innovation ecosystems’ – project (RDI2CluB).
Key words: bioeconomy, digital platform, innovation ecosystem, networks, piloting, service design, user-centered design
Regional cooperation model for encouraging entrepreneurial competences
Anneli Manninen, M.Sc. (Tech.), M.Ed., Project Manager, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, anneli.manninen(at)laurea.fi
Petri Graeffe, B.Sc. (Pol.), Managing Director, Uudenmaan Yrittäjät ry (a regional organization of the Federation of Finnish Enterprises), petri.graeffe(at)yrittajat.fi
Laurea University of Applied Science’s pedagogical approach is called Learning by Development (LbD). It means that learning takes place as much as possible in working life context and development projects. However, although living labs deliver all learning through work-related projects, majority of the students might obtain only limited experience of developing with companies. In Radar project, we created a new action model that brings small and medium sized companies in contact with the University of Applied Sciences and its students. The development activities are realized in cooperation with the regional Development Companies and entrepreneurial organizations that operate on company interface and are thus able to identify suitable development needs for thesis and student projects. Thus, students are offered a chance to learn entrepreneurship in practise (Raij 2014). The professionals coaching the enterprises learn in the interaction as well.
Stakeholder cooperation and anticipation in Oulu UAS
Sari Ahvenlampi, Quality Manager, M.A., Oulu University of Applied Sciences, sari.ahvenlampi(at)oamk.fi
Ismo Kinnunen, Development Manager, PhD, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, ismo.kinnunen(at)oamk.fi
In the year 2019 we surveyed the anticipation of education at Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oulu UAS). The starting point was exploring how educational departments anticipate future educational needs. We surveyed how department practices anticipation by interviewing our staff and then deepened our perspective with a questionnaire. There are three main ways to anticipate at Oulu UAS:
– participating and monitoring the development of the field of education
– through stakeholder cooperation
– through surveys and analyzes.
In stakeholder cooperation the main anticipation parts are interaction, discussions and meetings with partners which were strongly highlighted in every educational department. The second important area are feedbacks, surveys and researches. The third part of stakeholder cooperation are projects. Stakeholder cooperation is been developed according to partnership agreements which provides companies direct links to Oulu UAS and engage companies into long-term cooperation.
Key words: anticipation of education, development work, field of education, stakeholder cooperation
Strengthening clients’ skills towards the world of work
Helena Kangastie, M.H.S., Specialist (RDI and Learning), Lapland University of Applied Sciences, helena.kangastie(at)lapinamk.fi
Jonna Löf, M.Ed., Guidance Counsellor, Senior Advisor, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, jonna.lof(at)lapinamk.fi
Lapland has a common strategy for information, counselling and guidance (ICG) that defines common activities in the Lapland region. The strategy is committed to providing customers with low-threshold ICG services expertly and with partnership in a professional and collaborative manner. In addition, we support our clients the make choices for their individual career paths and to strengthen their skills.
The universities of Lapland have been actively developing guidance for years. This article describes in a general way the development of the ICG work and, in particular, the improvement of the strength-based future guidance in the Lapland UAS. At the moment, we are implementing the project VAHTO – Developing Strength Based Future Guidance. The aim of the project is to enhance the career planning of university students in order to support their transition to the world of work and to develop practices and methods that promote the identification of their individual strengths.
Key words: future and strength baced counselling, university of applied sciences, world of work
Is Finland a land of thousands of forgotten projects?
Katri Halonen, Dr.Soc.Sc., Lic.Phil., Principal Lecturer in Culture Production, Project Manager in Osuma – osallistamalla osaamista coordination project, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, katri.halonen(at)metropolia.fi
During the past six years, almost 500 European Social Fund funded projects have been managed by universities of applied sciences. Thousands of expert working hours have been allocated to implement innovative development processes in the society. This article asks what happens when the project ends. It suggests a four-step method for effective valorization running from project planning to implementation and the life of the project after the funding has ended. The four-step results valorization method emphasizes communication, variating actions with different actors, mainstreaming the results to practitioners and knowledge ecosystem and consolidating the findings to strategies of existing infrastructures.
Key words: European funding, project, valorization