Kategoria: In English

No 3 (2017) Abstracts

Creative activities in an international context contribute to cultural sensitivity, awareness and personal development

No 2 (2017) Abstracts

Digital Solutions in Teacher Education enhance Wellbeing and Expertise

No 1 (2017) Abstracts

No 4 (2016 Abstracts)

Bridging the Imaginary Research and Practice Gap by Responsive Learning

Bridging the research-to-practice gap in education: the design principles of mode-2 research innovating teacher education

Boundary-crossing competences of educators and researchers in working on educational issues

Imagined future – elements of a good first-year student experience

Supporting Communication between Stakeholders Involved in Industrial Doctoral Projects by a Process Steering Instrument

Contexts and Approaches to Multiprofessional Working in Arts and Social Care

Strategies for evaluating informal science education: Identifying and measuring meaningful indicators of program effectiveness for a mobile laboratory program

Developing new models for earning study credits from daily work – challenges in developing competence in nursing education

Real life solutions to real life problems: Living Labs approach within university of applied sciences pedagogical practice

Oamk LABs practices for bridging work life 21th century skills and higher education

‘Do I Have It in Me to Be an Entrepreneur?’ – Entrepreneurial Coaching for Master Level Students

Dialogic feedback culture as a base for enhancing working life skills in higher education

Mission Possible: Student Integration through Involvement

No 3 (2016) Abstracts

Quality of life in a Kathmandu slum

The Future Competences for Working with Older People

No 2 (2016) Abstracts

The Developers of Digital Health and Welfare Services

Education Technology Transfer to Developing Countries

Designing and Prototyping Digital B2B Sales Tools with Students